Please find listed below a selection of links to websites that we here at Reno Krav Maga highly recommend for various reasons, not all of which are necessarily focused on self-defense and/or the martial arts. We hope you find them useful and we do periodically add to this list.
BOOKS and DVD's:
Aiki Productions; Video and audio production company which produces very informative and quality instructional DVD's and CD's covering a wide range of martial arts and self-defense related topics.
Chikara Kan, Inc.; Publishers of the Achieving Kicking Excellence™ series and other martial arts related books.
Armed Citizen's Legal Defense Network; If you own a firearm for self-defense, you need to check out the services that these people provide if you are involved in a self-defense related shooting. I am a proud member and I highly recommend that you become one too.
Mernickle Custom Holsters; The folks here make exceptionally well made custom holsters to fit any kind of handgun and accessories that you may own. We here at Reno Krav Maga highly recommend them.
NRA (National Rifle Association); Whether you own a firearm or not, this organization is constantly fighting for the American citizens right to defend themselves from criminals, regardless of whether or not a firearm is used.
United States Concealed Carry Association; If you own a firearm for self-defense and you regularly carry it, you need to check out the services that thes people provide. I am a proud member and I highly recommend that you become one too.